Monday, February 15, 2010

Now, we are both members of the NY work force!

I finally found employement. I've accepted a part time position at Sears. I'm a floor merchandising person. Okay, I really don't know what my official title is. I do whatever the supervisor tells me to do. I clean out the mess people leave in the fitting rooms. I pick up the clothes that mysteriously fall off the hangers onto the floor, All By Themselves. I help customers do price checks or find what they're looking for in the store. And I stock shelves.

I haven't had a minimum wage job since the 90's. It's definitely different. I can see it from the perspective of not being one step below the owner. I don't mind. It's nice to not have to worry about dealing with employees for a change. All I have to do is show up to work, do my job, clock out out for lunch and remember to clock back in. And when I leave at the end of the day, I'm done. I don't have to even think about work until the beginning of my next shift. It's a nice change.

I'm flying back home to Nashville this coming up weekend. I have a doctor's followup appointment next Tuesday and I figured I'd just make a whole weekend of it. It'll be nice to see all my Clarksville bff's again.

Oh, and to totally raise an awareness, but not get into a political rant...I really don't know how a single person could survive on a minimum wage job. There's no way that amount of money could pay for rent, a car, utilities and food. I honestly just don't see how anyone could survive on $900 a month and not live in a ghetto. Especially if there were children also. I just don't see how it could be done. Until I realized just how little of a paycheck that would be, I never had to think about it. Well, now it's on my mind and it makes me sad for all the people who do have to survive that way.


  1. Congrats! I totally understand the concept of leaving your job at the door when you leave. It was so different than when I was teaching! And quite good for the stress levels!

    Glad to hear you're obviously able to get around in the snow, too!

  2. Thanks guys! The sears is a small one. Everything in this town is small! :)
