Monday, March 1, 2010

Is that melting snow I see?

It's finally starting to warm up just a little bit here. I don't think we'll have any more negative temperatures at least. The snow from early January is starting to melt, even though it's still snowing off and on... nothing more than a few inches at a time. That's certainly good news, because I don't like to be stranded at work and I really don't want to have to shell out $6 for a cab ride home.

I'm about to resume my diet/exercise routine. I got the all clear from my doctor in January that I was able to start working out again. I was just being lazy. Now my pants are starting to fit too tight, so I'm going to have to. I'm not about to go out and buy new jeans because I'm too lazy to lose 10lbs.

I got to go back home for almost a week last week. It was nice to see my friends again. I'm so lonely up here. We don't really know many people and there's not a lot of places to go to make friends except for the bars. Neither of us really want to pick up friends in bars. I'm hoping springtime comes soon, so that we can get out of this town and go explore the state.

There was an inventory at work today. It was sheer madness. The inventory team from HQ arrived and whirled through the store like a hurricane. They left product all mixed up and messy. It's going to take us days to make it normal looking again. We had to go behind them and recheck their counts. I'm so sick of counting. There is one more day of it tomorrow. I asked for a job to keep me busy and this one is definitely doing it. :)


  1. Funny how you've already acclimated to "a few inches" of snow as being okay! :-P

  2. Haha... It was up to about 2 feet at one time, at least right around my apartment. I don't know that I could acclimate to that much, though. I actually like to get out of the building occasionally!
