Tuesday, June 22, 2010

We move away from the country in T - 8 days

Our apartment inspection is scheduled for June 30th and we'll be hitting the road right after that is done. Ivan has been down to NJ once to look for apartments and has picked out a few that he likes. We'll probably be in a hotel for a week or two while we find a place or wait for an opening.

The places he has been looking at are farther north than I thought, so we'll probably be fairly close to Philadelphia.

I still have so much packing to do. I've managed to pack up the printer and my paperback books... 2 boxes. That's it. I just don't have any motivation. My retail job has sucked the life out of me. I get home from there and want to just do nothing. On my days off, I want to veg out on the couch. I don't even want to turn on the tv or the computer. I'm an empty shell on my days off.

That's actually a bit of exaggeration, but I feel that with time, I could certainly become that hopeless. I really hope I'm able to find a veterinary clinic or a bartending position open when we move. Maybe I'll find a veterinary clinic with a bar in the back. Wouldn't that be awesome?

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