Monday, July 19, 2010

New Jersey: We have arrived!

We've been in New Jersey a few weeks now, long enough to get a feel for the place. I like the area Ivan picked out for us to live. It's as far out of the ghetto as we could get. We're close to shopping and restaurants. We're close to Atlantic City, so if we feel like getting away for the day, we can head to the beach (not that either of us are fans of the beach, but it makes for some great people watching.)

The apartment here is bigger, even though it's 1 story. The rooms are really large. I don't have a lot of furniture (most of it is still in storage back home) so right now the place looks empty. But that's okay, I'm a minimalist anyway and prefer not to have clutter.

The apartment complex itself is really pretty. The grounds are well maintained, and there's a pool/gym on site. I have yet to check those out, but I will.

I don't like the traffic around town. The locals drive like hell between red lights and tailgate, which really bugs me. I don't think I'll ever get used to the speeding through towns and cutting people off. I'm used to a little bit slower pace.

I applied to work at the Sears store here. I might as well get a few hours a week there so I can keep my insurance with them. I'm still planning to start bartending in this location. The only problem with that here, is that there aren't a lot of opportunities outside of the casinos (which I've been told are union) and restaurants (who only hire from within.) I suppose being a server at a restaurant wouldn't be too bad and if I chose a chain, that would also give me transfer opportunity.


  1. Well, there's always Hooters...

  2. Glad you're liking the new place! And hooray for being away from the ghetto!

  3. Ross, Hooters may just be a southern thing. I haven't seen any around here and didn't see any upstate either... weird.

    Os, yay is right!! It's a scary world out there. I'm not brushed up on my ghetto speak enough to make it there.
