Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Getting ready for another move

It feels like we've just arrived yet we're already talking about the next move. We're set to leave in October/November. He's going in Oct. and I'm leaving in Nov. Once again I've finally started to make friends here and now I'm heading out again. But that seems like the way it's just going to be for a while. It's a good thing I'm such a friendly person. :)

We're heading to Hawaii this time around, near Honolulu. I have no idea what kind of place we're going to find to rent there. It's been hard to get a definite quote or even find out if anything is available. Most places want an exact move in date and we just don't have that yet.

I'm looking forward to this new location. I can't really say that I'll miss New Jersey too much. The people here just aren't as friendly as I'm used to and that's hard for someone like me to deal with. My coworkers are amazing and a lot of fun to be around during the day. I can honestly say that there hasn't been a day that I've dreaded coming into work. That's something, I suppose.

Ivan and I had a good time at Dragon Con in Atlanta during Labor Day. It had a bit of a weird vibe that wasn't there last year. I can't really explain what it was other than to say that it set the tone for the whole weekend and made the entire experience a little sub par. We had a horrible experience at the airport with the costume props not passing through security and having to be examined and cleared. So, we've learned our lesson with that. In the future, we'll take better precautions in getting the props to con, especially if flying.

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