Friday, April 30, 2010

And this is where 1/2 of the traveling twosome gets a little stir crazy

The weather is getting nicer. When it gets in the 70's, it's downright hot. I'd love to be out enjoying the town and the surrounding cities, now that the wind isn't making my bones ache from the cold. I have to make up excuses, though, to be able to get out of work on a weekend. Only the chosen ones get to have weekends off. I have yet to see anything outside of the local mall, the interstate, and my classroom in Syracuse.

So, this Sunday, I'm driving into Syracuse early so that I can at least see a little bit of that city. I've been here 3 months, it's about time I see what kind of place this is.

I got lost in it when I was taking classes there. I was on my lunch break and ended up taking a wrong turn. It was fun to drive alongside the river and just explore it. I ended up having to turn on my phone's navigator once I started nearing the end of my hour lunch break. It was cool, though, to have that short break and just drive for a while.

I thought I might be able to take a couple trips to TN. I have three free plane tickets. I'm using one of them for the Superman Celebration in June. The other two were going to be used for a trip in May and then for my family reunion in July. It's not looking like I'll be able to go on anything except for the June trip, though. I guess I'll just stick it out up here, bored out of my mind... Maybe I should learn to play Ivan's PS3, so that we can actually do something together.

It's hard not having any friends. I don't really want to get too close to the people I work with, because I'll be moving soon. I don't know, really, that they even want to be friends with me. Most of them seem so distant and aloof. It's not really what I'm used to. I'm used to having girls nights out with coworkers and potlucks and chips and salsa fights. It's just different here, and not really in a good way.

Most people say that I'm a really friendly person. I can hold a conversation with anyone about almost anything. I'm probably the most easy going person there. I come in, do my job without complaint, and keep a smile on my face. I suppose that's just not enough to get into their inner circle, whatever that circle may be.

Maybe I'll be able to make friends and actually have some sort of life when I get to NJ and start bartending. I'm sure drunk people are friendly, right? ;)

1 comment:

  1. I understand not wanting to get too close to people when you know you're going to be leaving. But it couldn't hurt to suggest a girl's night out, could it? Who knows? Maybe no one's ever suggested such a thing. My friend Moose had a potluck dinner within 10 days of moving to Fairbanks. All of a sudden, she had plenty of friends to do things with. Might work for you, too!

    And my experience tells me that yes, drunk people are generally friendly!

    Also--does this mean that August date has opened up? ;-)
