Saturday, April 24, 2010

Marriott Marquis... here I come!

Dragon Con is coming up soon. It's down to about 4 months left. Now is when the heavy planning starts...

Changes to existing costumes
New costumes or upgrades
Intense workout sessions
Roommate planning
Photoshoot planning
Panel worksheet printing

And not to mention the last minute tanning/hair dying that will have to happen the week before. It's so much fun though. That week I get to spend in a completely different environment is worth all the trouble. It's a week like no other.

A couple people I work with up here have heard about D*C. I'm surprised, because I wasn't expecting to find geeks up here in the country. But, I guess they're everywhere. It's a nice surprise.

I'm jonesing for another trip to Nashville. I've got some plans in the works. I might just be making 2 trips back home before we have to start packing up again for the next move.

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