Thursday, January 28, 2010

My apartment that I love so much...

I love it so much, I don't want to leave it! Actually, I'm just a little bit snowed in. It's been snowing for 2 days now and it was close to 9" last I looked (a couple hours ago.) My "street performance" tires and real wheel drive can't cut it out there in the snow, while it's snowing. Once it stops, I'll be able to get out and about. Hopefully that will be soon, because I have resumes to drop off!

There isn't much cabinet space, but there's a huge pantry behind one of the doors. We don't put food in there though, we use it as the "office" and the "recyclables station" i.e. all the stuff we don't want people who visit to see. And no, I haven't made any friends yet, so I don't have visitors. I'm working on it though! *I won't become friends with the neighbor, however, because she lets her dog off leash and it barks all day long when she's not at home.*

This is where I spend most of my time. Tornado likes it because we get to hang out all day. And I love the natural lighting that comes through the window and the big door on the opposite wall. I don't even turn on the lights until around 4:00. That's my IKEA couch and coffee table. I really wish they offered free delivery!

Ivan's room. I call it the "man room." He calls it "Tactical Headquarters." He had to a get a sun-blocking window curtain because the daylight throws a glare on his t.v. I rarely watch television, so it probably wouldn't have bothered me. Ivan mostly just watches G4. :)

His closet. Mine is much more crowded... so I'm not going to show it to you.

The bedroom. Cue the mood lights! I swear I do have matching nightstands. One of them had to stay home in TN though because it wouldn't fit in the car for the trip up.


  1. Looks like a great place! Wish I could get away without having all the crap I've got hidden in my place...

    Love the big window in the living room.

  2. Uh... do you REALLY want to leave pix of the gun case and the 5.11 tacticool box of whateveritis up on the interweb, Summer? (and feel free to edit this comment out if you want).

    Other than that, nice apartment; looks like you have quite a bit of room in the kitchen. (Yeah, I'm an atypical guy - I've been known to cook!)

  3. Ross, we don't have any guns in the apartment. That case is for Ivan's costume. He's got his bow and arrow set for Green Arrow in there. :)

  4. And the 5.11 box has his boots in it. Don't worry, we're not breaking the law up here.
