Thursday, January 21, 2010

Outside the Apartment

It stopped snowing so I finally left the building!

The thing I love the most about this apartment complex is the sidewalk running all the way around it and through it. The maintenance crew keep it shoveled free of snow and ice so it's perfect for walking Tornado. We went for a walk this morning (because I couldn't possibly force myself to sleep in any more) and she loved it. I don't know how far we went. I guess maybe about 3/4 of a mile, because we were out there for 1/2 hour.

She and I are not quite up to jogging yet, but we will be. A couple walks every day and eventually we'll be running around the place instead of walking.

I'm hoping it will relax Tornado enough that she will take a nap. She gets so bored here. There is only so many times we can play before she gets bored with that too. She just sits in the floor and stares at me and when I tell her to stop, she goes to her bed and starts licking her butt. It's a no-win situation for me.


  1. Here's a CAN leave the building, even if it IS snowing! In fact, it can be quite pleasant! ;-)

    Glad you're getting out though. Staying cooped up is never fun.
