Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Up all night and sleeping all day

Ivan is on the evening shift for the moment. He gets home around midnight most nights. This has put me way off schedule. I'm used to getting up when the sun comes up, even on the weekends. I'm forcing myself to stay up late so our schedules can match for the moment. I still end up waking up before 7am every morning, even though I'm staying up til 3 in the morning.

I've started applying for jobs. I haven't had to do this in a long time. I've always just had an opportunity come up and never really had to sell myself to get it. I think my honesty is a definite hindrance with this job search. I know we're only here temporarily so I am hesitant to apply for an actual job that isn't just available from a temp agency. On the flip side, I know I'm worth far more money than I can make working for an agency like that. While I don't believe that money is the most important thing, I also don't feel like I'm utilizing my skills to their maximum potential if I choose to work at a place like that.

So, I'm doing both: applying for "real" jobs and temporary jobs. What I find amazing is the number of jobs listed on Craigslist. I had no idea that it had become such a widespread market. There are upwards of twenty postings daily on the Craigslist classified section just for this town.

One of the job listings was for a promotional model. I'm not really sure what the experience required for that would be or even what the job entails. The listing wasn't too clear. It did require a photo to be sent along with a resume. That made me laugh. Can you just imagine the lucky guy that gets to screen out the applicants for that job?

A few of the listings that I found on other sites required a personality test to be completed at the same time. The logical side of me thinks this is ridiculous. I know exactly what kind of employee most managers are looking to hire. The questions are not that difficult and I guarantee you that I scored within the top 10% (I would say 5% but some of the math questions threw me.) Even if I wasn't such a model employee ;) that I would score high regardless, I certainly would have been able to choose the right answer and pretend to be. It's been 8 years since I graduated college and I still know how to beat the system.

I'm just hoping that whatever I do find, personality test or not, will correspond well with Ivan's schedule. I do like getting to spend a little bit of time with him every day. :)

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