Thursday, December 30, 2010


Ivan and I are now in Hawaii. We will be here longer than we've been in the last two locations. I'm grateful for that. Moving is a pain, as is finding a new job for me and saying goodbye to the new friends I make at every workplace.

All in all, I enjoyed being in south Jersey. The people there were friendlier than I expected them to be. The traffic was bearable, once I got used to the strange rules of the road. My absolute favorite was actual enforcement of the left lane of a highway/interstate being for passing cars only. A motorist could be ticketed for cruising slow in the left lane.

Driving in NYC was also not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. I enjoy driving in an area that is divided up like a grid. It's so simple to navigate around and find your way out.

The island of Oahu, however, is exactly as I expected it would be. I was anticipating a form of paradise and I've definitely gotten that. The weather is beautiful even though we've arrived just in time for their winter, which means it's the rainy season. It stays cloudy quite a bit over the mountains and over Honolulu. We're on the north shore though, and don't get as much rain. The temperatures are just cool and breezy enough that I can sit in the apartment with the windows open and a fan blowing and not be hot. I'm sure that will change during the summer.

Right now, I'm still acclimating to the time difference. I'm 4 or 5 hours behind everyone I talk to, so now I have to try to remember that when I need to reach someone back home or call an office on the mainland, that I have to do it before noon.

I'm also getting used to the slower way of life here. I went from living in a town where people drove 70 mph between redlights to a place where the speed limit is 25 mph and there are hardly any redlights at all. Drivers actually stop in the middle of the road to let pedestrians and tourists cross the street instead of trying to run over them like in NYC and surrounding areas.

It's different, but in almost all cases, different is good.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Getting ready for another move

It feels like we've just arrived yet we're already talking about the next move. We're set to leave in October/November. He's going in Oct. and I'm leaving in Nov. Once again I've finally started to make friends here and now I'm heading out again. But that seems like the way it's just going to be for a while. It's a good thing I'm such a friendly person. :)

We're heading to Hawaii this time around, near Honolulu. I have no idea what kind of place we're going to find to rent there. It's been hard to get a definite quote or even find out if anything is available. Most places want an exact move in date and we just don't have that yet.

I'm looking forward to this new location. I can't really say that I'll miss New Jersey too much. The people here just aren't as friendly as I'm used to and that's hard for someone like me to deal with. My coworkers are amazing and a lot of fun to be around during the day. I can honestly say that there hasn't been a day that I've dreaded coming into work. That's something, I suppose.

Ivan and I had a good time at Dragon Con in Atlanta during Labor Day. It had a bit of a weird vibe that wasn't there last year. I can't really explain what it was other than to say that it set the tone for the whole weekend and made the entire experience a little sub par. We had a horrible experience at the airport with the costume props not passing through security and having to be examined and cleared. So, we've learned our lesson with that. In the future, we'll take better precautions in getting the props to con, especially if flying.

Monday, July 19, 2010

New Jersey: We have arrived!

We've been in New Jersey a few weeks now, long enough to get a feel for the place. I like the area Ivan picked out for us to live. It's as far out of the ghetto as we could get. We're close to shopping and restaurants. We're close to Atlantic City, so if we feel like getting away for the day, we can head to the beach (not that either of us are fans of the beach, but it makes for some great people watching.)

The apartment here is bigger, even though it's 1 story. The rooms are really large. I don't have a lot of furniture (most of it is still in storage back home) so right now the place looks empty. But that's okay, I'm a minimalist anyway and prefer not to have clutter.

The apartment complex itself is really pretty. The grounds are well maintained, and there's a pool/gym on site. I have yet to check those out, but I will.

I don't like the traffic around town. The locals drive like hell between red lights and tailgate, which really bugs me. I don't think I'll ever get used to the speeding through towns and cutting people off. I'm used to a little bit slower pace.

I applied to work at the Sears store here. I might as well get a few hours a week there so I can keep my insurance with them. I'm still planning to start bartending in this location. The only problem with that here, is that there aren't a lot of opportunities outside of the casinos (which I've been told are union) and restaurants (who only hire from within.) I suppose being a server at a restaurant wouldn't be too bad and if I chose a chain, that would also give me transfer opportunity.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

We move away from the country in T - 8 days

Our apartment inspection is scheduled for June 30th and we'll be hitting the road right after that is done. Ivan has been down to NJ once to look for apartments and has picked out a few that he likes. We'll probably be in a hotel for a week or two while we find a place or wait for an opening.

The places he has been looking at are farther north than I thought, so we'll probably be fairly close to Philadelphia.

I still have so much packing to do. I've managed to pack up the printer and my paperback books... 2 boxes. That's it. I just don't have any motivation. My retail job has sucked the life out of me. I get home from there and want to just do nothing. On my days off, I want to veg out on the couch. I don't even want to turn on the tv or the computer. I'm an empty shell on my days off.

That's actually a bit of exaggeration, but I feel that with time, I could certainly become that hopeless. I really hope I'm able to find a veterinary clinic or a bartending position open when we move. Maybe I'll find a veterinary clinic with a bar in the back. Wouldn't that be awesome?

Friday, June 4, 2010

A tale of deli sandwiches, hunting and Canada... and fried ice cream

We went to a small local cafe last weekend. We were wanting to try out this nice fancy restaurant instead, but the restaurant was only open for dinner and we didn't want to hang around waiting for an hour an a half on it to open. So, we settled for the cafe. But, settling isn't really the right word because it ended up being pretty awesome.

The food was incredible. The quality was superb and the fresh taste of the sandwiches is enough to make my mouth water thinking about it right now. The prices were very reasonable and the amount of food received for the money spent was worth it. The Parisian decor made the atmosphere comfortable as well.

What impressed me even more than the food and the atmosphere, though, was the friendliness of the owners and staff. I guess they could tell pretty quickly we weren't "from around there" because the owner came out and asked us where we lived before and what we thought of the town. He told us how he started the business and the future renovations he planned. He told us about his trips to Canada and where the best touristy bars are located and where the coolest hotels are. It felt as though he was our own personal tour guide.

When we expressed a sense of disappointment at the lack of culture in this town, he explained that the people who end up being sent here (for work/military) and who stay do so because of the hunting environment. Upstate NY is fairly sparse in regards to big cities and covered instead with farmland, so what you're left with is hunting, boating and camping. It's a naturalist's dream, I suppose.

He also reinforced my discovery of there not being many available job opportunities. When I told him I had spent half my life working in the veterinary field and that I had wanted to find something similar when we moved here, he said that was a step up for most people around here, so there probably wouldn't be many job openings at places like that.

The owner of the cafe talked to us for about 30 minutes. I really enjoyed hearing a perspective of the town from someone who had lived there for most of his life. As we were finishing up our plates and getting ready to leave, one of the cooks brought out a bowl of fried ice cream for us. I'm not sure why we were chosen to get free dessert, but it just made the experience that much better overall.

If you're ever in upstate NY and visit a little city called Watertown, then please stop by Romalato's Delicatessen. You won't be disappointed.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Next Stop: New Jersey

We finally received word on what day we'll end up moving to the next location. The last few days of June will be our last days here. That means I have to start packing soon. I've got a few days off (lovely how part time employment does that to you) so I plan to start this week. Our pantry closet has become the catch-all for empty boxes and "stuff." It's like our own little mini storage unit. It's a mess, really.

I'm not too terribly excited about going to NJ. I guess I'm more resigned. I'm looking forward to meeting new people but I hate having to learn where everything is all over again. I'm terrible with directions and being in a new place always makes me a little nervous at first.

I'm scouting out apartments right now. The location we're being sent to has one of the highest crime rates in the state so I've been looking for bordering towns that have lower statistics. It's hard to do just using a map online. I wish I knew someone who lived in the area and could give me some advice about the best places to live.

We will be fairly close to the Philadelphia airport, which is nice. Southwest flies to Philly, so that means better rates on tickets to Nashville and I just prefer flying with Southwest instead of other airlines.

Friday, April 30, 2010

And this is where 1/2 of the traveling twosome gets a little stir crazy

The weather is getting nicer. When it gets in the 70's, it's downright hot. I'd love to be out enjoying the town and the surrounding cities, now that the wind isn't making my bones ache from the cold. I have to make up excuses, though, to be able to get out of work on a weekend. Only the chosen ones get to have weekends off. I have yet to see anything outside of the local mall, the interstate, and my classroom in Syracuse.

So, this Sunday, I'm driving into Syracuse early so that I can at least see a little bit of that city. I've been here 3 months, it's about time I see what kind of place this is.

I got lost in it when I was taking classes there. I was on my lunch break and ended up taking a wrong turn. It was fun to drive alongside the river and just explore it. I ended up having to turn on my phone's navigator once I started nearing the end of my hour lunch break. It was cool, though, to have that short break and just drive for a while.

I thought I might be able to take a couple trips to TN. I have three free plane tickets. I'm using one of them for the Superman Celebration in June. The other two were going to be used for a trip in May and then for my family reunion in July. It's not looking like I'll be able to go on anything except for the June trip, though. I guess I'll just stick it out up here, bored out of my mind... Maybe I should learn to play Ivan's PS3, so that we can actually do something together.

It's hard not having any friends. I don't really want to get too close to the people I work with, because I'll be moving soon. I don't know, really, that they even want to be friends with me. Most of them seem so distant and aloof. It's not really what I'm used to. I'm used to having girls nights out with coworkers and potlucks and chips and salsa fights. It's just different here, and not really in a good way.

Most people say that I'm a really friendly person. I can hold a conversation with anyone about almost anything. I'm probably the most easy going person there. I come in, do my job without complaint, and keep a smile on my face. I suppose that's just not enough to get into their inner circle, whatever that circle may be.

Maybe I'll be able to make friends and actually have some sort of life when I get to NJ and start bartending. I'm sure drunk people are friendly, right? ;)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Marriott Marquis... here I come!

Dragon Con is coming up soon. It's down to about 4 months left. Now is when the heavy planning starts...

Changes to existing costumes
New costumes or upgrades
Intense workout sessions
Roommate planning
Photoshoot planning
Panel worksheet printing

And not to mention the last minute tanning/hair dying that will have to happen the week before. It's so much fun though. That week I get to spend in a completely different environment is worth all the trouble. It's a week like no other.

A couple people I work with up here have heard about D*C. I'm surprised, because I wasn't expecting to find geeks up here in the country. But, I guess they're everywhere. It's a nice surprise.

I'm jonesing for another trip to Nashville. I've got some plans in the works. I might just be making 2 trips back home before we have to start packing up again for the next move.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Temps in the 60's? Is this a cruel joke?

It's beginning to warm up around here, finally. I didn't think it would actually get above a Tennessee spring temperature up here in the tundra, but apparently it does. Forecast is for the high 60's this weekend. Up here, anything above 50 feels absolutely amazing when the sun is shining. I'm not sure why a low temperature feels warmer here, but it does.

My sister and her husband and children visited me a few weeks ago. We had a great time and went to Niagara Falls and into Canada for a few days. We spent a night in Toronto. It's a really neat city. I hope someday to go back there and also to visit Montreal. Even the road trip part wasn't too bad... except for the karaoke!

Niagara Falls was the only real vacation destination my mother ever went to as a child. It felt like she was there with me on this trip. I would have given anything to have been able to share this moment with her, but it still felt special knowing I was somewhere she had really loved being.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Is that melting snow I see?

It's finally starting to warm up just a little bit here. I don't think we'll have any more negative temperatures at least. The snow from early January is starting to melt, even though it's still snowing off and on... nothing more than a few inches at a time. That's certainly good news, because I don't like to be stranded at work and I really don't want to have to shell out $6 for a cab ride home.

I'm about to resume my diet/exercise routine. I got the all clear from my doctor in January that I was able to start working out again. I was just being lazy. Now my pants are starting to fit too tight, so I'm going to have to. I'm not about to go out and buy new jeans because I'm too lazy to lose 10lbs.

I got to go back home for almost a week last week. It was nice to see my friends again. I'm so lonely up here. We don't really know many people and there's not a lot of places to go to make friends except for the bars. Neither of us really want to pick up friends in bars. I'm hoping springtime comes soon, so that we can get out of this town and go explore the state.

There was an inventory at work today. It was sheer madness. The inventory team from HQ arrived and whirled through the store like a hurricane. They left product all mixed up and messy. It's going to take us days to make it normal looking again. We had to go behind them and recheck their counts. I'm so sick of counting. There is one more day of it tomorrow. I asked for a job to keep me busy and this one is definitely doing it. :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Now, we are both members of the NY work force!

I finally found employement. I've accepted a part time position at Sears. I'm a floor merchandising person. Okay, I really don't know what my official title is. I do whatever the supervisor tells me to do. I clean out the mess people leave in the fitting rooms. I pick up the clothes that mysteriously fall off the hangers onto the floor, All By Themselves. I help customers do price checks or find what they're looking for in the store. And I stock shelves.

I haven't had a minimum wage job since the 90's. It's definitely different. I can see it from the perspective of not being one step below the owner. I don't mind. It's nice to not have to worry about dealing with employees for a change. All I have to do is show up to work, do my job, clock out out for lunch and remember to clock back in. And when I leave at the end of the day, I'm done. I don't have to even think about work until the beginning of my next shift. It's a nice change.

I'm flying back home to Nashville this coming up weekend. I have a doctor's followup appointment next Tuesday and I figured I'd just make a whole weekend of it. It'll be nice to see all my Clarksville bff's again.

Oh, and to totally raise an awareness, but not get into a political rant...I really don't know how a single person could survive on a minimum wage job. There's no way that amount of money could pay for rent, a car, utilities and food. I honestly just don't see how anyone could survive on $900 a month and not live in a ghetto. Especially if there were children also. I just don't see how it could be done. Until I realized just how little of a paycheck that would be, I never had to think about it. Well, now it's on my mind and it makes me sad for all the people who do have to survive that way.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Job Interview Hell

Before moving here, I had never actually filled out a job application. I've never even really been on a job interview, at least not in the sense that most people think of. Every place I've ever worked at before, I've simply dropped off a resume and got a call a couple days later asking if I was still interested. Or, in one instance, I was asked to go to dinner and presented with a job offer that I wasn't even looking for at the time.

I'm not writing that to brag, merely to point out my total ineptitude when it comes to selling my skills. I've never had to do that, so I don't really know the first thing about it.

I've also never realized the process took so long. I applied at a major hardware/lumber retailer for a part time cashier position. I have already been to three interviews in the past week for that position. I was told today that there is a final interview in about seven days and I might be called back for that one. That final fourth interview will determine who gets hired. It makes me wonder if the company is trying to weed out the ones not really interested by making them come back over and over during a stretched out time period.

I'm amazed that it takes four interviews to make a decision on a single candidate, especially one so innocuous as a minimum-wage part time cashier. Then again, I've learned over the years that there is no unimportant position in a business.

Maybe what I'm accustomed to in the veterinary field is completely different though and this really is how the real world hires people. Because I was in a manager position for so long, I've learned to be able to read people with just a glance. I pay attention to the way people talk, the way they smile, and the way they behave around other employees. As one of my bosses used to frequently say, "You can train an employee how to hold a syringe, but you can't train a person to smile." Anyone can write anything they want on a resume or answer a series of questions in whatever way they think an employer wants to hear.

But, a person can't fake confidence or a smile, or a genuine love for work. I suppose that I'm still in the mindset that the HR managers of the world will realize after the first interview that I am an inherently good employee with a genuine desire to be challenged with work and do the best job I'm capable of doing. I try not to get irritated when I see teenagers working cash registers or doing sales jobs on the floor. Being a former manager, I'm constantly aware of employees that aren't doing a good job. I have to bite my tongue in interviews so as not to "tattle tale" on the employees out on the floor, employees I know I could run circles around if given a chance.

After being told today about the 4th interview, I stopped in at two other places and submitted applications and sat in on interviews. Surely someone out there will realize they should be hiring me, right?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Things that irritate me about this location

My VZW navigator on my phone doesn't update quick enough and I get stuck in the town square going around and around the roundabout.

1 veterinary clinic in the whole city! Seriously!

The interstate system doesn't correlate the miles with the exit numbers. It could be 20 miles between exit 25 and exit 26. I'm used to the exit numbers matching the mile markers.

The library is closed on Sunday.

No Mexican Restaurants within a 60 mile radius.

No Bank of America branch location or ATM within the closest two counties.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow snow, go away!

It's snowing again! It started snowing last Monday and snowed for 3 days. Then it rained and melted everything on Thursday. On Friday it started snowing again and hasn't stopped.

Forget a snowman. At this rate, I could build a Snow Village.

The only good thing about the snow is that while it's coming down, the temperature is at least near the 30's. When it stops snowing, it drops into the negatives.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

My apartment that I love so much...

I love it so much, I don't want to leave it! Actually, I'm just a little bit snowed in. It's been snowing for 2 days now and it was close to 9" last I looked (a couple hours ago.) My "street performance" tires and real wheel drive can't cut it out there in the snow, while it's snowing. Once it stops, I'll be able to get out and about. Hopefully that will be soon, because I have resumes to drop off!

There isn't much cabinet space, but there's a huge pantry behind one of the doors. We don't put food in there though, we use it as the "office" and the "recyclables station" i.e. all the stuff we don't want people who visit to see. And no, I haven't made any friends yet, so I don't have visitors. I'm working on it though! *I won't become friends with the neighbor, however, because she lets her dog off leash and it barks all day long when she's not at home.*

This is where I spend most of my time. Tornado likes it because we get to hang out all day. And I love the natural lighting that comes through the window and the big door on the opposite wall. I don't even turn on the lights until around 4:00. That's my IKEA couch and coffee table. I really wish they offered free delivery!

Ivan's room. I call it the "man room." He calls it "Tactical Headquarters." He had to a get a sun-blocking window curtain because the daylight throws a glare on his t.v. I rarely watch television, so it probably wouldn't have bothered me. Ivan mostly just watches G4. :)

His closet. Mine is much more crowded... so I'm not going to show it to you.

The bedroom. Cue the mood lights! I swear I do have matching nightstands. One of them had to stay home in TN though because it wouldn't fit in the car for the trip up.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Living Without Boundaries

Most of the people who know me well know that I am a person who doesn't like to categorize people. I've never been what one would consider racist or sexist or elitist. I feel that everyone, no matter skin color or education level or sex, deserves an opportunity to be great.

Somehow, though, I have found myself referring to the people who live here as northerners and myself as a southerner. As if there is a difference in who we are because of that.

So, my goal during all this moving around that we are going to do, is to stop putting people into a box because of where they live. I'm not going to conform or try to change who I am or what I look like to fit in, but I eventually will stop noticing that there is such a big difference between them and myself.

I realize that there are customs and rules that are going to be different here versus in TN and I just need to buck up and get over it. I'm still going to write about those things here, because it will be on my mind. I'll just try to do less complaining, because we can all do with less complaining in our lives.

I told my sister today that I'm cutting out some of the people in my life. If someone isn't a positive force to be around, then they are a negative one and I do not need negative influences around me. That goes for that negative part of myself as well.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Outside the Apartment

It stopped snowing so I finally left the building!

The thing I love the most about this apartment complex is the sidewalk running all the way around it and through it. The maintenance crew keep it shoveled free of snow and ice so it's perfect for walking Tornado. We went for a walk this morning (because I couldn't possibly force myself to sleep in any more) and she loved it. I don't know how far we went. I guess maybe about 3/4 of a mile, because we were out there for 1/2 hour.

She and I are not quite up to jogging yet, but we will be. A couple walks every day and eventually we'll be running around the place instead of walking.

I'm hoping it will relax Tornado enough that she will take a nap. She gets so bored here. There is only so many times we can play before she gets bored with that too. She just sits in the floor and stares at me and when I tell her to stop, she goes to her bed and starts licking her butt. It's a no-win situation for me.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Up all night and sleeping all day

Ivan is on the evening shift for the moment. He gets home around midnight most nights. This has put me way off schedule. I'm used to getting up when the sun comes up, even on the weekends. I'm forcing myself to stay up late so our schedules can match for the moment. I still end up waking up before 7am every morning, even though I'm staying up til 3 in the morning.

I've started applying for jobs. I haven't had to do this in a long time. I've always just had an opportunity come up and never really had to sell myself to get it. I think my honesty is a definite hindrance with this job search. I know we're only here temporarily so I am hesitant to apply for an actual job that isn't just available from a temp agency. On the flip side, I know I'm worth far more money than I can make working for an agency like that. While I don't believe that money is the most important thing, I also don't feel like I'm utilizing my skills to their maximum potential if I choose to work at a place like that.

So, I'm doing both: applying for "real" jobs and temporary jobs. What I find amazing is the number of jobs listed on Craigslist. I had no idea that it had become such a widespread market. There are upwards of twenty postings daily on the Craigslist classified section just for this town.

One of the job listings was for a promotional model. I'm not really sure what the experience required for that would be or even what the job entails. The listing wasn't too clear. It did require a photo to be sent along with a resume. That made me laugh. Can you just imagine the lucky guy that gets to screen out the applicants for that job?

A few of the listings that I found on other sites required a personality test to be completed at the same time. The logical side of me thinks this is ridiculous. I know exactly what kind of employee most managers are looking to hire. The questions are not that difficult and I guarantee you that I scored within the top 10% (I would say 5% but some of the math questions threw me.) Even if I wasn't such a model employee ;) that I would score high regardless, I certainly would have been able to choose the right answer and pretend to be. It's been 8 years since I graduated college and I still know how to beat the system.

I'm just hoping that whatever I do find, personality test or not, will correspond well with Ivan's schedule. I do like getting to spend a little bit of time with him every day. :)

First Stop: Upstate NY

First Impression: It's damn cold here. It hasn't been above freezing since I've arrived and it's snowed twice in the past three days.

Second Impression: It's absolutely gorgeous. There are long stretches of fields and small lakes and rivers. If God blessed Texas, then the Angels blessed upstate New York. Right now, the whole area is covered in snow (it's snowing outside as I type this) and that certainly adds to the prettiness of the landscape.

I am pleasantly surprised that the area isn't as country as I feared it would be. There are plenty of businesses and shopping centers. I'm a city girl at heart, so I really like having things in town to do and local places to eat at and to visit.

Another surprise is the friendliness of the locals. There are two types of people here and I haven't figured out which is which yet. There are the people who have moved here from other places because of the military and there are the locals who have lived here all their lives. One group is friendly, the other is not. I'm hazarding a guess that the friendlies are the locals. The people in charge of the businesses and working at the restaurants and in the mall... those are the nice people. It's the people walking around doing the shopping that don't have the hospitality I'm used to.

Maybe it's a southern or a western thing, but where I'm from, when people hold open a door, you say thank you. When someone hands you something (your change from a purchase, something you dropped, a shopping bag) you say thank you. The people around here don't do that. They're very concerned with themselves and where they're going in life and don't take the opportunity to look around and see those around them. Life is what they do to it, not what they experience.